Being Rainbow
Brother Chân Trời Đức Định
I am a rainbow, a beautiful stroke of art,
Overarching Earth in the free sky.
I am here for you!
I am an object of your mind, and you are an object of my mind,
We are each other’s.
Thank you for being here, as you are.
Without you I couldn’t be.
You make my life real and beautiful.
Do you know you can see me this way because you stand where you stand?
Take a little step to one side, and you may see me differently,
You might not even see me anymore - we are fragile beings!
I have the blue color, and I have the pink color,
I have both pink and blue – and many other colors.
In the small blue box in your mind, the one with the blue label,
I feel a little tight.
Would you allow me a little bit of pink, too?
If you have difficulties to accept my pinkness
While I am in the blue box,
Remember I am an object of your mind.
We are not separated: I am this way because you are that way,
And one can’t avoid oneself.
I’ll do just the same and listen to what you have to say,
for your blue box is mine too.
For your happiness is mine too.
In fact I am free from all that color thing, and you too.
Let us accept pinkness in blue boxes, and such and such,
It might help both of us feel happier,
And we’ll be able to enjoy each other.
You may be mostly red, orange, pink, or blue,
And we both dwell in the same rainbow.
Between you and I, no real boundaries,
Look, I send my hand across colors and reach out to you.
Ha! Look! My hand has the same color as you!
When sunlight and rain aren’t seen
What is our color my dear rainbow?
The water in us, is it pink, blue, green?
How about the air, the earth and the heat in us,
Are they blue, are they pink?
Looking at ourselves through a Diamond eye,
What shall we see?
What is our true color?
I love to fly in the great sky,
And swim across from one box to the next!
Most important is to arrive into my body, mind and breath,
As they unfold in the now.
Let them decide which color they’ll manifest.
Coming home to myself and again,
I get to discover my true self.
A last little thing I’d like to say:
Holding the flag of inclusiveness,
Adorning unwavering inclusiveness,
Whether or not the flag has rainbow colors,
Healing and peace manifest in this very moment,
and is communicated to all in the three times.
Thank you, my friends, for being here with me,
Thanks to you I can enjoy myself and learn to live and to love together.