A Year in Review
Editorial Team
Highlights of the year of the Plum Village Sangha in France.
Trừng Quang Great Precept Transmission Ceremony (10 – 14 February 2023)
This spring marked a new beginning for 38 Siksamana nuns and 19 novice monks receiving the Great Precepts to become fully ordained Bhikshunis and Bhikshus, respectively, at the Trung Quang Great Precept Transmission Ceremony, hosted at the Thai Plum Village. The event was named after the lineage name of Thay, which means pure light. This was the first in-person gathering of its kind after a long hiatus due to the COVID pandemic.
This was also an auspicious occasion for the sangha to welcome 16 new Dharma teachers in the ensuing Dharma Lamp Transmission Ceremony.
With the presence of hundreds of monastics of various Buddhist traditions from Europe, the US, Vietnam and Thailand, the sangha of Thai Plum Village also celebrated its 10th anniversary and hosted the brick-laying ceremony for the construction of the new meditation hall.
Monastic Retreat: Unshakable Faith
(15 – 23 February 2023)
The time had come again for the brothers and sisters of Plum Village France, Maison de L’Inspir and Healing Spring Monastery in Paris, and the European Institute of Applied Buddhism in Germany to come together in Upper Hamlet for the much anticipated annual monastic retreat. This 9-day retreat was an opportunity for monastic siblings to nourish each other’s resolve to live a life of transformation and service. In the spirit of togetherness, Br. Phap Ung, Sr. Chan Khong and Sr. Chan Duc represented the sangha to transmit the Dharma lamps to seven sisters and one brother.
Francophone Retreat (7 – 14 April 2023)
At long last, 400 Francophone friends from France, Switzerland, Belgium, and Canada reunited in Plum Village for the first Francophone retreat since 2019 due to the pandemic, themed Ensemble, Tout Simplement (loosly translated as Simply Together). What a precious opportunity it was for the multifold Sangha to celebrate Sr. Chan Khong’s 85th continuation day, as well as to welcome 18 new members into the Order of Interbeing.

Monastics on Tour
In continuing Thay’s aspiration to share the practice of Engaged Buddhism worldwide, groups of brothers and sisters traveled on four continents: Europe (the UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Czech Republic, Austria, Spain…); North America (Mexico, the US, Canada); South America (Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Brazil, Chile); and Asia (India, Taiwan).

Plum Village at the First Global Buddhist Summit (20 – 21 April 2023)
On 20 April, the International Buddhist Confederation launched the first Global Buddhist Summit in New Delhi, India, themed Responses to Contemporary Challenges: Philosophy to Praxis. Among the delegates, approximately 170 were from foreign countries and 150 from Indian Buddhist organizations. Representatives from Plum Village included Br. Phap Khoi, Br. Nguyen Luc, Sr. Bien Nghiem, and Sr. Trang Loc Uyen. This event coincided with their mindfulness tour in India.
Thich Nhat Hanh Center for Mindfulness in Public Health opened at Harvard University
On April 26, the Thich Nhat Hanh Center for Mindfulness in Public Health opened at Harvard University. The inauguration was attended by over 30 monastics of the Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism. The Center was made possible by an anonymous donation of $25 million, one of the largest donations in the history of the University.
The mission of the Center is to “pursue evidence-based approaches to improving health and wellbeing through mindfulness by undertaking rigorous, scientific inquiry; and provide mindfulness education and training for the Harvard community and beyond.” An interplay between academic research and public engagement at its heart’s core, the center endeavors to improve public health and inspire global action.
Dr. Lilian Cheung, director of Mindfulness Research and Practice in the Department of Nutrition of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, met Thay in 1997 at a mindfulness retreat and later co-authored with Thay the book, titled Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life. Dr. Cheung shared: “Over the years, I became deeply interested in learning how the practice of mindfulness could be applied to the discipline of public health, which seeks to prevent disease and promote well-being at population scale. That is exactly what this Center will do.”

The event also included a 1-day symposium, which featured presentations from academics, mindfulness practitioners and monastic students of Thay, including Br. Phap An, Br. Phap Luu and Sr. Hien Nghiem. Additionally, a Q&A session was offered by Br. Phap Dung, Br. Phap Linh and Sr. Lang Nghiem.
Despite the nearly 25,000 peer-reviewed publications on mindfulness as of 2023, this field of research is relatively nascent. There is a general consensus on the need for new scientific means to evaluate the impact of mindful living on health and wellbeing.


Sister Chan Khong visited the US
(April – May 2023)
In combination with attending the inaugural ceremony of the Thich Nhat Hanh Center at Harvard University, Sr. Chan Khong also visited the three Plum Village monasteries in the US.
At Blue Cliff Monastery, New York, Sr. Chan Khong offered a Dharma talk on the Day of Mindfulness on 16 April. With the support of the Union Theological Seminary and Blue Cliff Monastery, Sr. Chan Khong also gave a public talk, titled Compassion in Action, in New York City on 18 April. The following day, Sr. Chan Khong joined the Blue Cliff sangha in a 5-day retreat for members of the Order of Interbeing with the theme The Art of Compassion from 19 to 23 April 2023.

At Magnolia Grove Monastery, Sr. Chan Khong joined the sangha for a retreat, themed Learning True Love, from 3 to 7 May 2023. This retreat also featured separate mindfulness practice programs for children and teens. Amidst the splendor of spring blossoms, the multifold Sangha celebrated Vesak (Buddha’s birthday) on the last day of the retreat.
At Deer Park Monastery, the Sangha welcomed the presence of Sr. Chan Khong with a special Day of Mindfulness on Mother’s Day, 14 May, where the sangha transmitted the 14 Mindfulness Trainings to a new group of longtime practitioners; thus, welcoming them into the ever-growing international community of Order of Interbeing.
Additionally, Sr. Chan Khong also joined approximately 60 monastics in a unique event, called Dāna Day of Mindfulness, on 21 May at the Mile Square Park in the city of Fountain Valley, California. The event was in English with Vietnamese translation for the nearly 600 people present, many of whom did not speak Vietnamese.
Everyone participated in the Plum Village core practices, such as listening to the bell, awareness of breathing, walking meditation, and total relaxation. The program also included an alms round for everyone to have a chance to get in touch with their seed of generosity. This was also an opportunity for the Deer Park monastics to fundraise for the expansion of the monk’s residence to accommodate the growing number of monks at the monastery.
The local newspaper, Viet Bao, commented that “the Day of Mindfulness by Deer Park Monastery has inspired great happiness not only for the people attending but also for the atmosphere, plants, and animals in the surroundings. A gaggle of geese at the nearby pond also honked as though to greet and welcome the community. It has been a long time since Mile Square Park had a public event as peaceful as this.”
Cooking Retreat: Cooking Moment, Happy Moment (26 May – 2 June 2023)
One of the most anticipated retreats in Plum Village is the cooking retreat hosted by New Hamlet. The retreat offered an opportunity for over 200 retreatants to apply mindfulness into one of the most important, yet, also one of the most undermined daily activities. Here, everyone learned how to cook delicious dishes, while generating happiness in the act. Thay taught us that when we know how to cook in mindfulness, the kitchen becomes a meditation hall. Then, peace and happiness will radiate within us and around us. To be able to cook for and feed the Sangha or our families is a great happiness.
Business Retreat: No Mud, No Lotus
(26 May – 2 June 2023)
Concomitant with the cooking retreat at New Hamlet was the retreat for over 50 Vietnamese business people in Upper Hamlet, themed No Mud, No Lotus. These entrepreneurs experienced seven days of mindful living, learning how to slow down and be more present for themselves. In this peaceful and supportive atmosphere, the participants were encouraged to reflect on the value of life, as well as the driving forces of their lives and their businesses: Do you truly want to be #1 or do you want to be happy? Are you a victim of your own success? Is your business heading in a wholesome direction? The entrepreneurs also learned and practiced the art of loving speech and deep listening. Sister Chan Khong offered a session on Beginning Anew for reconciling communication in their families and workplaces. On the last day of the retreat, 20 people received the Five Mindfulness Trainings to help them continue to nourish their spiritual lives.

Retreat for Young Asian Diaspora:
Finding Our True Home
(2 – 9 June 2023)
A first of its kind in Plum Village in Lower Hamlet, this retreat provided a space of reconnection to ancestral roots for many young Asians growing up and living in the West. These up-and-coming young individuals explored reflections by themselves and with each other: Where is our true home? Is it a particular place with particular people within a particular culture? What if we had to leave our “home”? Or grew up in a culture vastly different from that of our parents? Please read the article, “Coming Home to Our Roots,” in this newsletter written by three international Wake Up sangha core members to understand more about how it felt for them to get in touch with their ancestral roots.
Earth Retreat: Love is Freedom
(16 – 23 June 2023)
An expression of togetherness and solidarity across traditions and continents, the Earth Retreat was the first hybrid retreat offered in Plum Village with 700 retreatants joined in-person and 800 friends participated online from around the world. A co-creation of the international Earth Holder communities, the retreat was inspirational for countless people from different corners of the planet practicing together mindful living and sharing the aspiration to protect Mother Earth.
One of the highlights of the retreat was the inter-spirituality summer solstice celebration where indigenous leaders from the Amazon, Mexico and Africa led the community in a deep, serene and joyous ceremony around a big bonfire under the bright stars in Upper Hamlet, awakening feelings of deep connection with all humans, Mother Earth and the cosmos.

Premiere of the French documentary “Respire, Souris, Vis”
On 22 June, the French documentary film, “Respire, Souris, Vis” (Breathe, Smile, Live), directed by Yen Le Van, premiered in Paris with the presence of Sr. Chan Khong and a number of Plum Village monastics. Featuring the spiritual experiences of Thay, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Laurent Debacker, Eline Snel, Mira-Baï Ghatradyal, and Jean-Gérard Bloch, this documentary invites its audience to explore what it means to come back to oneself and redefine the meaning of living. What is it to be human if not the ability to transcend the fear of dying, to live and to love?
Summer Opening (9 – 29 July 2023)
For three weeks, Plum Village received over 2,000 lay practitioners of which were 170 teens and 480 children for the annual Summer Opening. The largest gathering of the year, this retreat has become a rendezvous for many parents and children to practice together, cultivating awareness, understanding and compassion. We are deeply grateful to all our spiritual friends, especially the more than 120 volunteers, who helped make the Summer Opening possible.

Wake Up Retreat: Love in Action
(4 – 11 August 2023)
Over 600 young people aged 18 – 35, representing more than 30 regions, gathered for the Love in Action retreat. A friend from Spain shared: “The collective energy is astounding and very powerful. It touches my heart deeply to listen to both the retreatants as well as the monks, nuns and volunteers share their suffering so vulnerably. I can really see how alike we are in our experience of being human. How healing it is to come together like this and share our deepest fears, our grief, our aspirations and also our joy.” The retreat ended with more than 200 friends making the commitment to practice the Five Mindfulness Trainings – a compass to navigate an era that is at once immensely uncertain and filled with potential. As Thay had urged: “It is possible to reclaim our sovereignty from the systems of our creation.”

Plum Village at the 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions (14 – 18 August 2023)
In August 2023, Sr. Luc Nghiem from Plum Village, France, and Sr. Tri Nghiem from Magnolia Grove Monastery in Mississippi, USA, were invited to take part in the 9th International Meeting of the Parliament of the World’s Religions which took place in Chicago, USA. The conference was attended by over 8,200 delegates from more than 95 countries. To learn more about the event, please read Sr. Tri Nghiem’s article in this issue of the newsletter.
Educators’ Retreat (18 – 25 August 2023)
Amidst the sweet fragrance of ripening plums, over 300 educators from Europe and afar gathered in late August to rest, renew, and connect within and with each other. Apart from the Dharma talks offered by Sr. Dinh Nghiem, Br. Phap Ly and Sr. Chan Duc, there was also a panel of teachers sharing about the three pillars of Wake Up Schools, sangha-building and the importance of beginning anew with the teachers themselves. Joost Vriens, one of the four panelists, wrote an inspiring article in this issue of the newsletter about his journey with Wake Up Schools and his experience in this retreat.
At the end of the retreat, a number of lay friends stayed back to help the brothers and sisters harvest the plums for drying and making jam, a specialty everyone can enjoy at breakfast when staying in Plum Village.

Happy Farm Retreats: Coming Home to Mother Earth
(5 – 19 May and 15 – 29 September 2023)
Since 2022, the Upper Hamlet brothers together with friends from Happy Farm have offered two-week immersive retreats designed to bring the participants intimately in contact with nature. The retreat was offered twice this year.
Here is a reflection from a retreatant:
“For the last two weeks, we have been exploring forests and fields and lakes, eating delicious vegan food, spending time with genuinely kind and thoughtful people, reading, listening, farming, singing, meditating, and consciously trying to live mindfully. It may sound like a very abrupt change of pace from normal life, but somehow the community energy helped make the transition. A friend described Plum Village as like a liver or kidney for society, quietly filtering away the toxins. That’s exactly how it feels. A lifelong health condition cleared up after the first 4 days. I’m a little calmer, a little more forgiving towards myself and others, and I’ve laughed a lot. I don’t expect this state of mind to last forever, but I hope I will remember how it felt, and be nudged towards a better way of living.”

Rains Retreat: Now We Have a Path
(19 Oct 2023 – 16 Jan 2024)
On the morning of 19 October 2023, the multifold Sangha of Plum Village gathered at the Still Water Meditation Hall of the Dharma Cloud Temple (Upper Hamlet) to conduct the Ceremony of Refuge for the annual Rains Retreat. There were 225 people (141 monastics – 48 Bhikshus, 78 Bhikshunis, 9 male novices, 6 female novices – and 84 lay practitioners) committed to practicing in Plum Village for 90 days. During the retreat, the sangha listened to weekly Dharma talks by Thay from Winter 2008-09 and June 2009 on the contributions of Buddhism to global ethics. The monastic day on Thursdays was a special opportunity for the brothers and sisters to attend classes on engaging topics to further nourish their monastic aspiration. Sister Trang Bo De wrote an endearing article in this issue of the newsletter about her impression of these monastic days.

Online course: Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet (ZASP)
(15 October – 3 December 2023)
In addition to participating in the Rains Retreat, a group of monastics also took part in this 7-week in-depth online learning journey to nurture insight, compassion, community, and mindful action in service of the Earth. The course was curated in 2022 by a group of monastics and the support of lay practitioners. It was then piloted in early 2023 and later launched publicly in October. With a global audience of approximately 1,600 participants from about 50 countries on six continents, this was the first online course of its extent and content. To know more about the experience of the course, please read the article by Br. Troi Duc Niem in this newsletter.
Message for Peace (19 October 2023)
In the wake of violence in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world, our monasteries in the United States and Europe have offered reflections and suggestions of practices in support of peace.
Here are two excerpts from the letter:
“From a Buddhist perspective, the wars in the Middle East, Ukraine and beyond are a collective manifestation of human consciousness; of the collective destructive energy that exists within humanity. This destructive energy is a fundamental cause of human suffering. As members of the human family, each of us has a duty to recognize suffering within us, and a responsibility to transform ‘the seed of violence’ into the reality of peace.
At this difficult time, it is important to take root in ourselves and calm our emotions. We invite our Israeli, Palestinian, Ukrainian friends, and all who suffer in conflict zones, to sit with us so that, together, we may cool anger and hatred, stop harmful actions, open our hearts, generate compassion, and radiate the powerful energy of peace…”
To read the full letter, please visit plumvillage.org/articles/an-invitation-to-sit-together-for-peace
Lamp Transmission Gathas of 2023
In 2023, the Sangha happily welcomed 27 new Dharma teachers, both lay and monastic students of Thay. Below are their transmission gathas:
Transmission gathas in the Trung Quang Great Precept Transmission Ceremony
(10 – 14 February 2023, in Thai Plum Village)
Brother Thích Chân Phương Cần
(Lay name: Nguyễn Xuân Lộc)
(Dharma name: Nhuận Thọ)Chân pháp mở bày muôn vạn lối
Đường vào phương ngoại chẳng ngoài tâm
Công phu cần mẫn trong nhật dụng
Gương trí soi tròn nghĩa uyên thâm.
Brother Thích Chân Trời Kỳ Ngộ
(Phạm Hùng; Tâm Đức Khang)Muôn dặm không mây muôn dặm trời
Nhân duyên kỳ ngộ bước thảnh thơi
Ở đây gặp gỡ bao tri kỷ
Mở hội tăng thân cứu độ người.
Brother Thích Chân Trời Lĩnh Nam
(Lê Dũng; Tâm Đại Niệm)Chân trời Lĩnh Nam đất xưa
Tổ tiên xây dựng truyền thừa mai sau
Bước chân cẩn trọng cho nhau
Mỉm cười tương kính làm giàu tương lai.
Brother Thích Chân Trời Bình An
(Trần Công Danh; Tâm Từ Thủy)Pháp thân tỏa sáng rạng chân trời
Bình minh rực rỡ ánh hồng tươi
An nhiên từng bước là dừng lại
Mắt biếc hồn thơ rộn tiếng cười.
Brother Thích Chân Trời Linh Cảm
(Lai Thanh Vũ; Tâm Khuyến Thiện)Chân xuân thắp sáng cả trời xuân
Ứng hiện tâm linh đẹp tuyệt trần
Có nhau nhiệm mầu trong tương cảm
Cử xướng tăng thân thực pháp thân.

Brother Thích Chân Trời Nguyện Ước
(Nguyễn Bá Nhật; Tâm Nhuận Minh)Chân tâm soi tỏ trời cao rộng
Nguyện ước năm xưa vững một lòng
Tăng đi từng bước xây mầm tuệ
Nghĩa trả ơn đền vẹn núi sông.
Brother Thích Chân Trời Đâu Suất
(Đặng Ngọc Hồng Quyết; Tâm Minh Đăng)Mắt thương nhìn thấu cõi trần
Từ Trời Đâu Suất hiện thân giữa đời
Bồ đề chiếu rạng muôn nơi
Mở bày phương tiện độ người trầm luân.
Brother Thích Chân Trời Tương Lai
(Phạm Quang Hà; Tâm Đức Tĩnh)Khung trời hiện tại đã về tới
Ôm cả tương lai sáng nếp nhà
Tình xưa gửi gắm từng huynh đệ
Ơn nghĩa truyền trao vẫn đậm đà.
Sister Thích nữ Chân Đán Nghiêm
(Phan Thị Minh Tuyền; Tâm Quảng Bích)Một trời xuân đán bình an
Uy nghiêm vọng tiếng thâm ơn nghìn trùng
Lối về có thủy có chung
Từ bi chiếu rạng khắp cùng thế gian.
Sister Thích nữ Chân Nhẫn Nghiêm
(Nguyễn Thị Bích Lê; Tâm Nguyên Tịnh)Chân tâm một nẻo đi về
Hành trang ẩn nhẫn xá hề gian truân
Nghiêm phong hoạt thái chuyên cần
Quê hương lối cũ bước chân vững vàng.
Sister Thích nữ Chân Thiện Nghiêm
(Văn Thị Kiều Oanh; Tâm Chơn Khai)Thiện nghiệp gieo trồng cõi lạc bang
Nghiêm giới trì đức tuệ vững vàng
Dong thuyền bát nhã ra khơi vớt
Cỡi gió về mây giữ an ban.
Sister Thích nữ Chân Đế Nghiêm
(Vũ Thị Minh Đức; Tâm Diệu Chuyên)Xuất lưu pháp bảo từ chân đế
Một dạ giữ nghiêm phép chỉ trì
Mỗi khi trời đất lên tiếng gọi
Hoa lòng thơm ngát giọt từ bi.
Sister Thích nữ Chân Dương Nghiêm
(Phạm Thị Hồng; Tâm Phương Minh)Chân thân vốn hoàn hảo
Rạng ngời ánh dương quang
Một lòng thường nghiêm cẩn
Lan tỏa pháp An ban.
Sister Thích nữ Chân Công Nghiêm
(Hoàng Lê Kim Loan; Tâm Nhật Kim)Đức sáng nằm ngay công tu luyện
Nghiệp lành vun tưới tướng uy nghiêm
Thông điệp từ bi về mọi nẻo
Tha hồ thỏa chí chốn an nhiên.
Sister Thích nữ Chân Trăng Nga Mi
(Chew Yee Lee;
Noble Fulfillment of the Heart)Trăng không tròn không khuyết
Núi Nga Mi lưu danh
Phổ Hiền mười hạnh nguyện
Làm lợi lạc chúng sanh
Sister Thích nữ Chân Trăng Đông Hải
(Tsui Miu Ling; Tâm Quán Ân)Trăng tỏa sáng bầu trời Đông Hải
Biển trần gian phản ánh não phiền
Đem tay tế độ bao người khổ
Sóng bước bên Ngài Quán Thế Âm.
Transmission gathas in the monastic retreat “Unshakable Faith” (15 – 23 Feb 2023, France)
Brother Thích Chân Trời Nội Tâm
(Phạm Văn Tài; Tâm Phúc Lộc)Trời nội điển, ngày pho thủ tự
Nhập tánh không, đêm quán tâm kinh
Ơn thầy tổ nguyền xin tiếp nối
Một lên đường, sông núi chứng minh
Sister Thích nữ Chân Trợ Nghiêm
(Hoàng Thị Minh Nguyệt; Tâm Liên Du)Chân tâm vắng duyên trợ
Nghiêm từ chẳng đến đi
Như Lai bậc như thị
Chánh Niệm vượt thị phi
Sister Thích nữ Chân Trăng Quê Hương
(Nguyễn Thị Kim Thạnh; Tâm Nguyện Hòa)Chân trăng là quê hương
Chiếc lá vốn bản môn
Pháp nhiệm ấy con đường
Lắng nghe hiểu và thương
Sister Thích nữ Chân Trăng Mới Lên
(Yuliana Wijaya; Tâm Hướng Quang)Out of darkness the moon has just risen
Its guiding light illuminates our steps.
In this pure land of mindfulness and joy
I offer my service to all beings.
Sister Thích nữ Chân Trăng Hoa Tiên
(Nguyễn Thị Quế Trâm; Tâm Huệ Anh)Gót sen thiền tập cùng trăng
Hoa tâm nở rộ thoát vòng thị phi
Dáng tiên hiện nét uy nghi
Lắng nghe nhẫn hạnh từ bi cứu đời
Sister Thích nữ Chân Trăng Thong Dong
(Bùi Hồng Thu Quý; Tâm Diệu Vinh)Trăng xưa lập nguyện đại bi
Sao cho muôn loại tổng trì vô sanh
Thong dong cùng chúng đồng hành
Ân đền nghĩa đáp dạ thành khắc ghi
Sister Thích nữ Chân Trăng Chí Thành
(Lê Thị Tư; Tâm Hạnh Niệm)Vén mây trăng lộ diện
Tu tập dạ chí thành
Công phu không xao lãng
Sen nở cõi Trời Tây
Sister Thích nữ Chân Trăng Lý Tưởng
(Châu Thị Thu Sương; Tâm Tuệ Như)Hé nụ cười chân, thật tuyệt vời
Trăng sao chiếu sáng khắp muôn nơi
Long lanh ánh mắt ngời lý tưởng
Sưởi ấm tình người giữa trùng khơi
Transmission gathas from Mountain Spring Monastery (11 April 2023, Bringelly, Australia)
Brother Thích Chân Trời Bình Minh
(Trương Văn Sen; Tâm Đức Lượng)Cultivating the peaceful sky of the mind,
the ten directions are illuminated beautifully.
Throughout the triple world,
our true home is present everywhere.
The roots of virtue planted millenia ago
are deep, true, and long lasting.
The accomplishment of the great gentleman is carried
far and wide on the fragrant wind.
Chân Minh Hải
(Daya Heather Jepsen;
Peaceful Courage of the Heart)The ocean of wisdom is our ancient and true inheritance
The bright eyes of the Awakened One contemplate the nature of all things and see no coming and no going
On her path of return, she carries the peaceful light of the moon
As a gracious offering to each living being.
Chân Hỷ Tạng
(Faye Nhi Nguyen; Tâm Hướng Dương)By seeing the nature of affinities planted since beginningless time
The authentic fruit of insight reveals itself as a storehouse of joy
Walking this ancient path suddenly we realize that there was never a time when we were not wonderfully together
Sunflowers waving in the gentle breeze quietly reveal the wondrous Dharma Body.

Ordination ceremonies
This year, the Sangha also welcomed 31 new monastic members into the following ordination families:
- Longan Tree (24 September at Deer Park Monastery, USA) comprised of 4 brothers: Chân Nhất Lâm, Chân Nhất Thiên, Chân Nhất Điền, Chân Nhất Sơn; and 2 sisters: Chân Ân Hạnh and Chân Thuần Hạnh.
- Daffodil (5 November at Dharma Cloud Temple, Upper Hamlet, France) comprised of 7 brothers: Chân Nhất Vân, Chân Nhất Vũ, Chân Nhất Thanh, Chân Nhất Lương, Chân Nhất Nguyên, Chân Nhất Mộc, Chân Nhất Xuân; and 3 sisters: Chân Đôn Hạnh, Chân Diệu Hạnh, Chân Đăng Hạnh.
- Golden Trumpet (17 December at Thai Plum Village) comprised 13 sisters: Chân Cung Hạnh, Chân Chuyên Hạnh, Chân Cẩn Hạnh, Chân Chuẩn Hạnh, Chân Chỉnh Hạnh, Chân Chỉ Hạnh, Chân Chí Hạnh, Chân Cư Hạnh, Chân Chánh Hạnh, Chân Chiêu Hạnh, Chân Chung Hạnh, Chân Cần Hạnh, Chân Cát Hạnh.
During the 2-year memorial ceremony of Thay at the beginning of 2024, the Sangha ordained 11 new monastics:
- Tropical Almond Tree (23 January at Dieu Tram Monastery, Hue, Vietnam) comprised of 4 brothers: Chân Nhất Trú, Chân Nhất Âm, Chân Nhất Lạc, Chân Nhất Giới; and 7 sisters: Chân Mật Hạnh, Chân An Hạnh, Chân Hiếu Hạnh, Chân Lập Hạnh, Chân Quán Hạnh, Chân Đoan Hạnh, Chân Khánh Hạnh.